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What is Artistic Modeling?

As I have mentioned in previous posts, there are many different types of models outside the "fashion model," which is the most common and well-known type. In this post, I explore what Art Models are and how their bookings can differ from your typical fashion or commercial bookings.

Photo by Joe Zlatnik

Art models are models that typically pose for artists such as painters, sculptors, and photographers. Sometimes they pose for individual artists, but they often also pose for students in art classes or group art sessions. When it comes to posing for mediums other than photography, art models must be able to hold the same pose for very long periods of time, making the days very long and exhausting. Strong posing skills are also essential, as you may be asked to come up with creative positions that you don't typically see in other forms of modeling. Depending on the project, you may also have to come back for several days or weeks until the project is finished.

Unlike fashion or commercial modeling, art modeling has no height or size requirements. All body types are requested for art projects, so many models with difficulty finding bookings in the standard modeling market may have a lot of success in the art world. One of the most significant differences in art modeling that is different from other types of modeling is that art models are often expected to pose semi-nude or fully nude, even in front of large groups of artists. Obviously, this isn't for everyone, so it's important to make sure you set that boundary and clarify for every booking that posing nude isn't an expected part of the project.

While modeling agencies are almost a requirement for fashion and commercial models, art models can find a lot of success being freelance. Many art models form partnerships with art schools or art studios for recurring and consistent work. Since art modeling often requires nudity, it is vital as a freelance model to carefully review all art model bookings to ensure that they’re legitimate. You also should never hesitate to bring a chaperone with you to set when nudity is part of a booking. It is always good practice never to send nude images as a part of the application or casting process, even if the booking will require nudity. It is a huge red flag if your participation in the project is contingent on you sending nude photos ahead of time or if they try to discourage you from bringing someone with you to set. Whether you’re freelance or being signed to an agency, your safety should always come first. If you’re ever put in a position where you’re uncomfortable or feel unsafe, you should never hesitate to remove yourself from the situation.



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