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Tips on Becoming a Model

As a model mentor and coach, the most common question I get asked is how to get started in the industry. While the road to becoming a model is not a straight path and everyone has different challenges to navigate, there are some basic stepping stones to help get your foot in the door of the modeling industry.

Photo by Cameron Story

Reality Check

First and foremost, I encourage all aspiring models to start with a quick reality check. When people ask me how to get started in modeling, I'll often respond to them by asking why they even want to be a model. If they only want to do it just because it sounds fun or people have always told them they should do it, I encourage them to do a little research before just jumping headfirst into the industry.

The harsh reality is that the modeling industry is one where you'll always be judged on your looks to get booked for jobs. Sometimes they don't even bother to ask your name before they dismiss you for someone else. Because of this, you have to be brutally honest with yourself and ask yourself if getting into this kind of industry is something you really want to do and if it's something you can mentally handle on a regular basis.

Modeling is also really hard work. You won't get jobs handed to you just because you're pretty. Everyone in the modeling industry is pretty, so you will have to put in the hustle and work to set yourself apart from all the other pretty faces. And even after all that hard work, you will still hear the word "no" far more than you'll hear the word "yes". If you're just expecting it to be all glitz and glam, this is not the industry for you. The modeling industry isn't right for everyone, and that's ok! That doesn't have any reflection on who you are or your worth as a person.

Be Aware of Your Options

Under the large modeling industry umbrella, there are many different types of models. Become familiar with the industry and what different options are there because different types of modeling have different requirements. Do your research on the different categories and figure out which one(s) you're best suited for. Knowing your look, your local modeling market, and what you want to achieve can help to determine what area of modeling you will fit best into. The earlier you can identify that and your own strengths to find your place will only help you in your career.

Develop Your Skills

This step is so important and should be started the moment you decide you want to be a model.

Modeling, just like many other professions, is something that needs to be practiced and refined throughout your whole career. Study and understand posing and light angles, and practice runway walking over and over again. What separates a pretty model from any other model is going to be their skill and versatility.

Look into taking modeling classes or find blogs and videos to research and gain more knowledge. Many agencies will offer workshops to their new models to help new faces develop their skills, and enlisting a credited model coach for more direction can also be beneficial.

Don't Do Unnecessary Photoshoots

When you are just getting started and don't yet have an agency, it's not necessary to spend hundreds of dollars on photoshoots or do tons of TFP shoots. There is no telling how an agent is going to want to market you once they put you on their model roster. If you do a bunch of shoots before you're ever signed, the agent may not want to use any of the because they're not the right style, which means all that time and money was for nothing.

Many new models also make the mistake of doing too much TFP (Trade for Photos) work before getting signed to an agency. Quality is FAR better than quantity, so if you shoot with a bunch of sub-par photographers or have a lot of sub-par images floating out on social media and/or the internet, it could actually hurt your chances of getting signed instead of helping it. If you want to shoot before having an agent, it's best to be very selective about who you shoot with and not do any overly-styled concepts that distract from you as a model. Having a few really amazing, strong images is much better than having a ton of just ok images.

You also don't need professional photos to submit to an agency. All model scouts & agents want to see from a potential model are simple, unedited, and unfiltered snapshots of your face and body (aka- digitals). These photos can even be taken from your phone! They want to see how you look naturally, not with full glam & professional lighting.

RESEARCH and Get a Good Agency

This is something I can't stress enough. Even though models can make money doing freelance work, if you really want to work for big clients and really advance your career, you will need to have a good agent. There's a reason even the top supermodels have agents!

But before submitting to every modeling agency that comes up in your Google search, do your research! I can almost guarantee you that if you submit to every agency in your area, you're bound to be contacted by one of them- but that doesn't mean it's a good idea to sign with them.

When looking for an agent, there are some imperative questions to ask. First and most importantly, is this agency legit? Be aware of some red flags you need to look out for and trust your intuition. If an agency asks for money upfront, whether this is for a photo/portfolio package, mandatory classes, or a "signing fee", that should be your first sign that the agency is a scam.

Don't be so eager to sign a contract that you let all the warning signs fly out the window. It's better to turn down an offer than to be stuck in a sketchy situation because you didn't do your due diligence!

Be Professional

Being a model is just like upholding any other type of job- you need to be professional at all times. Answer phone calls, return voicemails and emails in a timely manner, and never (ever!) be late. This industry is fast-paced and very competitive, so if you think you can skate by on your looks alone and put in minimal effort, you'll be in for a rude awakening. It's a small industry and word gets around quickly. Unprofessionalism and a bad attitude will give you a lousy reputation that will overshadow your beauty and have a big impact on the number of jobs you get. Nobody wants to work with a diva, and there are plenty of other beautiful and professional models that can take your spot. When you are on set, treat EVERYONE with respect and do your job to the best of your ability, even if you don't like the way you look or if someone else on set is rubbing you the wrong way.

Don’t Take It Personally

To become a model, you either have the 'look' agencies or clients want at that given moment or you don't, and that's something that you have no control over.

This should have NO reflection on your personal self-worth. Just because you keep getting turned down does not mean you're not good enough. Mentally prepare yourself for rejection- a lot of it. You MUST be able to handle having doors shut in your face without a second thought. Even the most stunning supermodels to ever walk the planet were told "NO" multiple times, many ways, by countless people.

Rejection is part of the industry and you have to have very tough skin. The sooner you not only understand but accept that, the better off you will be. I have had many tears over the mean words people have said throughout my career, and I have learned through the years that none of what they say has any meaning in the 'real' world.

You are still a valuable person with feelings, thoughts, and opinions. You are so much more than just a pretty face. Every agent and client has a different idea of what they want in a model, and it is impossible to know exactly what they are looking for. Keep your head up and keep getting in front of them, their idea of the 'ideal model' will change in a week!



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