Casting calls are basically job interviews for models, so you want to make sure you dress the part and look like a professional. The main thing to remember is to keep it simple. Casting directors already know the magic hair and makeup can do, so they want to see you as a blank canvas.

Here are some tips on how you should dress for a runway casting call!
Top: Solid grey or black tank top or t-shirt that is fitted though the body and not baggy. Make sure the top doesn’t have logos or distracting graphics.
Bottoms: Dark blue or black skinny jeans or leggings. Make sure the jeans don't have acid wash details or tears, and if you wear leggings make sure they don’t have logos or mesh cutout details.
Shoes: Simple black or nude heels that don’t have any bling or too large of a platform. Avoid wearing wedges as those will make your runway walk look clunky, and try to wear a heel that’s 3” or higher. It’s also helpful to wear a pair that has an ankle strap instead of a pump so you don’t run the risk of your shoe slipping off your foot as you walk.
Makeup: Natural and polished. Just enough to enhance your natural beauty and cover any blemishes you may have. Concealer, light mascara, light lip, finishing powder, and light blush or bronzer.
Hair: Like your makeup, you want your hair natural yet polished. Nothing overly styled or any type of up-do. If your hair is naturally wavy or straight, feel free to wear it that way, just make sure it stays back off your face. Bring a hair tie to pull it back if requested.
Jewelry: Little to no jewelry is best. Definitely avoid any statement pieces or any that will make noise as you walk.
Nails: Natural and trimmed short. Clear, nude, or sheer pink polish is OK. Long acrylics, French tips, bright polish or nail art is a no.
Top: Solid grey or black tank top or t-shirt that is fitted though the body and not baggy. Make sure the top doesn’t have logos or distracting graphics.
Bottoms: Dark blue or black jeans. Make sure the pants don't have acid wash details or tears. Go for a more fitted skinny, straight, or bootcut style and avoid anything too baggy.
Shoes: Business casual or street shoes (Toms, Vans, Chucks, or combat boots) are fine.
Makeup: If you have any blemishes, use concealer.
Hair: You want your hair natural yet polished. Styling it like you would for your everyday look is always a safe bet.
Facial Hair: Unless you’re always clean-shaven, stick with how you normally have your facial hair on a daily basis. If you have fuller facial hair, make sure you trim and clean it up.
Jewelry: Little to no jewelry.
Nails: Natural and trimmed short.