All professional models know the importance of their model bag and ensuring that it has everything they may need for their bookings. One aspect of model bags that even experienced models sometimes overlook, is that you should also have a model bag for all fittings and rehearsals.

While your model bag for a fitting or a rehearsal isn’t nearly as extensive as it would be for the day of the booking, you still need to have a few key items with you, even if you don't think you will need them. As I always like to say- a professional model is a prepared model! Read below for some of the things you want to always make sure to bring with you for fittings and rehearsals.
When you get booked for a photoshoot, it is not uncommon to have scheduled fittings a few days or weeks ahead of the shoot day. This helps the designers/producers set their looks and streamline things for the day of the shoot, so time isn’t wasted trying to put things together. Even though most items will be provided for you, it’s good to always bring a few things of your own, such as:
- Strapless nude & black bras
- Regular nude & black bras
- Pasties/sticky-bra
- Seamless nude & black underwear
- A pair of nude heels & a pair of black heels
- A pair of jeans (blue & black)
- A pair of leggings
- Black & white camis
- A changing scarf
If you’re booked for a runway show, rehearsals often happen a few days or weeks before show day. Just because it’s a rehearsal, you shouldn’t show up empty-handed. Fittings are often looped in with rehearsals, but they may not always let you know that information in advance. Whether or not you have a fitting on the same day as the rehearsal, it’s best to always pack:
- Strapless nude & black bras
- Regular nude & black bras
- Pasties/sticky-bra
- Seamless nude & black underwear
- A pair of nude heels & a pair of black heels
- A changing scarf