Although tasty Easter dinners and adventurous egg hunts are typically the main events on Easter Sunday every year, this year will need to be celebrated a little differently due to the Stay-at-Home orders across the country. But that doesn’t mean the fun has to stop! Between sitting down for a meal and searching for hidden treats, you can keep the little ones entertained with any one of these fun, easy at-home Easter activities!

Egg Decorating: A fun and traditional activity that the whole family can participate in! You can buy egg decorating kits or use food dye you probably already have in your cabinet. For temporary decoration, you can use real eggs by either hard-boiling them or draining the yolk out of the shells. For a more long term decoration that the kids can play with, you can get unpainted craft eggs like these from Target for the kids to decorate and then use yearly for decoration around the house.
Egg Hunt in Your Yard or House: You don't have to go to a big city-wide egg hunt for it to be fun, you can easily do it in your own yard or house! Switch it up by hiding the pieces of a puzzle inside the eggs for everyone to work on once all eggs are found. If it’s a household full of adults, you can make it really entertaining by hiding mini shots inside of some of the eggs!
Easter Eggs-ercises: Fill leftover plastic eggs with activities and physical challenges (i.e. ‘7 Bunny Hops’) for little ones to complete when they find their eggs.
Bunny Bowling Game: Set Easter themed pins up on the lawn or down a long hallway for the ultimate Easter bowling challenge.
Easter Bingo: This is a fun game that can involve the entire family and be played multiple times throughout the day. A quick Google search will bring up some easy at-home printable options, or you can get these cards from Amazon and put them in the kids’ Easter basket.
Egg & Spoon Race: The kids will have to get their concentration and stability on for an egg and spoon race. You can do this outside in the yard or in your home if the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Pin The Tail on The Bunny: This is an easy DIY, or you can buy one on Amazon. An Easter version of the classic game is the perfect way to keep the kids entertained this Easter. They can compete for some Easter candy to see who gets their tail the closest.
Golden Egg "Hot Potato": Take the traditional "Hot Potato" game, but make it Easter! Whoever starts passing the golden egg gets to choose a short song to sing while the egg continues getting passed around. Once the song is over, the person holding the golden egg has to do a silly dance.
Give a Gift Basket: Teach kids to perform a random act of kindness this Easter and put together a gift basket for an elderly relative or neighbor. Get creative with the contents to make this a more fun and meaningful activity. Have the kids write little notes that say things like, "You're egg-cellent!".
Easter Scavenger Hunt: A quick Google search will bring up endless options for fun Easter themed scavenger hunts you can do in your home or outside. A fun way to incorporate a scavenger hunt is instead of putting your child’s Easter basket on the table, hide it and use the clues from the scavenger hunt to lead them to their baskets.